This year, Kerala has completed one more prestigious project and that is the Vagamon Glass Bridge. It happens to be the longest cantilever glass bridge set up in Kolahalamedu, as part of the adventure park in Idukki. The project was part of the Idukki District Tourism Council (DTPC) and has been designed at a height of 3,500 feet above the normal sea level.
The 3 crore project was a fine collaboration between DTPC and Bharat Mata Ventures. As of now in 2023, the Vagamon Glass Bridge has been labeled as the biggest and longest bridge made of glass in India.
To visit the bridge, as of now, tourists will have to pay a fee of Rs. 500/-. Apart from this, there are a couple of adventure-filled activities like sky cycling, 360-degree cycling, zipline, sky swing, rocket injector, and even sky roller. For tourists who have a flair for trying out new adventures at a height, this will be must must-try experience. The great part about this is that now tourists can enjoy highly affordable travel experiences in Kerala, without going to other foreign countries a lot. The high rides and walk over the bridge will have a memorable touch in everyone's life.
The thrilling experience that surrounds this bridge is breathtakingly beautiful. At one time, the bridge allowed 15 people to see the misty hills, and take scenic pictures. From this bridge, one can see some of the nearby towns like Kokkayar, Kootikal, and Mundakayam. With a fine mix of adventure, sights, and natural surroundings, the Gladd Burdge in Kerala is a must-visit for every traveler who loves adventure.