The Garden Of Five Sense

Five Sense Park

A park to unwind the tiredness of routine life is a requirement. There won't be any differences about this idea and Delhi is blessed with the most spectacular park, "The Garden of five sense". This space is not merely a park or garden but a recreational area that hosts a number of activities for the public to interact and socialize. This leisure space is a breathing space for people of all age-groups and social status. The beauty of the garden is beyond words. The entire area is divided into two; Khas Bhag which is a walkway and Mughal Garden which is a well-maintained garden. Space is decorated with trees, Mural paintings, rock sculptures, and more. The positive vibe of this stunning place makes the visit to the garden refreshing and rejuvenating and memorable. Tourists and locals love the place for its fresh vibes!

Delhi Tours

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Delhi, Agra and Jaipur – The Golden Triangle Package Tour

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Delhi, Agra and Jaipur – The Golden Triangle package Tour

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Agra, Delhi and Jaipur – The Golden Triangle package Tour

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  • 15 Nights

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