Traveling to Thailand: A country that topped the COVID-19 recovery index

Are you tired of being confined to home because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you longing to unleash the explorer in you and go on an adventure? Indeed the best way to and take away the stress of the past few months of lockdown is to travel to someplace nice.

Though many countries have opened their borders and are inviting tourists, there are only a few where you can travel without the fear of COVID-19. Surprisingly, when many developed nations kneeled before the virus, some resisted it effectively. Thailand is one of them.

With beautiful beaches, night parties, modern cities, and traditional villages, Thailand does not need any introduction. It is undoubtedly one of the best places to enjoy an international tour.

COVID in Thailand

For a country with a population of more than 69 million and receiving almost 38 million tourists annually, Thailand has faired well in the COVID-19 race. When many developed countries failed to contain the pandemic, Thailand put in a good fight. As of the first week of December, the caseload is nearly 4000 with 60 deaths. With daily confirmed cases rarely hitting two digits, Thailand has indeed done well.

Hence the trip to Thailand is the best option if you are planning to travel to an international destination.

Traveling in Thailand

Nevertheless, traveling to Thailand is not as open and free as it used to be. There are some restrictions that you should know about before booking a Thailand tour package.

Travel to some areas are not permitted

First and foremost, Thailand is not entirely open for international travelers. There are restrictions to enter regions where the authorities have found a high spread of the disease. Make sure you check the official website of Thailand or that of WHO before embarking on a trip to the country.

Safety precautions are to be strictly followed

Thailand follows the precautionary measures put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO). From wearing a mask to social distancing, there are several rules that you should comply with if you want to travel and enjoy the destinations in Thailand. Make sure that you check the Thailand Ministry of Health website and understand the rules.

Avoid areas with high spread

There are a few, but not rare regions in Thailand where the spread of the pandemic is high. Mostly these places will be blocked for travelers or marked as high risk. While on your trip to Thailand, it is advisable to stay clear of these areas. Preparing a route map according to the updated information from the Thailand Ministry of Health will come in handy.

Book Online

The government of Thailand has made it possible to buy entry tickets to most tourist destinations online. Be warned that for many attractions, this is the only option available. Moreover, because of the pandemic, only a limited number of visitors are allowed to places like museums, zoos, and so on. You may have to book tickets for some days in advance.  Hence make sure you pre-book your tickets for your Thailand tour.

Keep distance in public places

While enjoying your Thailand tour package, you may face situations where people forget about COVID and huddle together. Be careful on such occasions and avoid them. Keep at least one-meter distance between you and others, especially if the other is seen coughing or sneezing.

Always carry a protective kit

It is best to include a protective kit in your baggage on any international tour. It should contain masks, gloves, sanitizers, and disinfectants. You can disinfect the places you come in contact with, like chairs and tables. If possible, wear a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kit while you are in high-risk situations, like when you are in an airplane.

So that is it. You can travel to Thailand without any sort of hesitation and enjoy a great holiday there. Just make sure that you follow these tips and stay safe.


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